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====== Statistics for Neuroscience ====== I started working in this field when cognitive neuroscience began to conquer the Radboud University campus, mainly as a result of the start of the F.C. Donders Center of Cognitive Neuroimaging, now belonging to the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior. One of the difficulties in the analysis of electrophysiological data is the statistical testing of differences between experimental conditions. This is a serious statistical problem that originates from the fact that electrophysiological data are observed as spatiotemporal matrices, with the channels forming the spatial dimension, and the discrete time points (as determined by the sampling rate) forming the temporal dimension. This creates a huge multiple comparisons problem that is even further exacerbated after a time-resolved spectral analysis, which adds a frequency dimension to the spatiotemporal matrix. Together with my co-authors, I have shown that cluster-based permutation tests are an excellent solution for this statistical problem. These statistical tests are implemented in Fieldtrip, an open-source Matlab toolbox for the analysis of electrophysiological data.